Winning LinkedIn Cold Outreach Templates You Should Try

February 15, 2021

In our previous blog post we shared with you 6 effective cold outreach strategies you can use in LinkedIn.

Now that we’ve armed you with some of the best strategies to connect with potential leads, allow us to share with you this time several examples of LinkedIn cold message templates you can try out yourself.

Below are some examples of LinkedIn Cold Outreach Templates you can try and see for yourself how much they work.





Just some key notes to remember when sending a reaching out message: 

  • Personalize your message. From the root word “person”, basically, make sure your message sounds like something a “person” would actually say. Making it sound robotic and unnatural decreases the chance of you getting the attention of the reader. 

  • Look for some common ground as much as possible. It doesn’t have to be work related all the time. It can be something as simple as having the same interest or same hobby. This makes a good reason to reach out to the other person and have something to talk about and get the ball rolling.

 At the end of the day, it is still up to the individual you messaged whether he will entertain you or not. Simply put, you cannot control whether a person wants to do business with us or not. However, what you can control is the way you approach them and increase the possibility of getting a response.

With over 600 million users, just think of the staggering chances of you getting replies from people you reach out to. So go ahead and tweak some of the words if you want to. Just don’t forget to keep it simple, short and sincere.

 And when you finally get that response, then you just hit the ultimate goal of a cold outreach.

If you’d like more tips or have any questions then contact us today at

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